January 2023 archive


If you are looking for a first rate putting simulator, EXPUTT RG is the real deal. You can use it at home or take it along with you on the road. There are a ton of new features. Let’s take a detailed look.

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Indoor Putting Drills: Green Reading

Green reading skills are the third most important putting skill. Let’s take a look at possible Indoor Putting Drills for Green Reading.

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Indoor Putting Drills: Path

Putter path is really the trajectory the putter takes on the way to a square strike at impact. Let’s take a look at some drills and ways to measure path with indoor putting drills.

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Indoor Putting Drills: Face Angle at Impact

The second most important concept in putting is returning your putter face to square. Let’s look at some Indoor putting drills on face angle at impact to help dial it in.

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Indoor Putting Drills: Speed

The most important skill in putting is controlling the speed of your putt. Confidence in your ability to judge distance correctly is key to becoming a more consistent putter. Let’s look at indoor putting drills for speed control.

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Indoor Putting Drills: Aim

Indoor putting drills are a great way to keep your golf game in shape. Here are some drills that you can practice indoors at home during the winter or year round. Let’s look at indoor putting drills for aim.

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Golf Case / Glove Dryer Shaper

The “Go for it Golf” accessories holder with a glove shaper is a first rate product. The case has a large zippered pocket for personal or golf items and comes with a glove dryer shaper for S to XXL gloves .

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