Putting Mechanics vs the Mental Game

Let’s look at putting mechanics vs the putting mental game. There is a reason to focus on both. One maybe ultimately more important over the long term based on your desire and goals.

Putting Mechanics

There are very good reasons to focus on putting mechanics.

If you are a beginner it’s necessary to hone your skills and become proficient.

If you intend on competing, skill and perfect techniques are a must.

I’ve focused quite a bit on mechanics in my putting practice. I’ve become a stats geek and measure many metrics.

Recently, I’ve taken a serous look at my stats and thought “Why am I not doing better? What can I do to lower my scores with putting?”

I’ve practiced green reading, focused on my aim, improved the speed control of my putts and have become pretty darn good at squaring up my putter face at impact.

So, what’s next to improve my score by making more putts? The mental aspects of putting. In other words, the mental game.

Old Duffer Golf image of putting mechanics vs the mental game

Putting Mental Game

If you are standing over a putt and entertaining thoughts of missing, you need to work on your mental game.

We all have done that. I’ve thought to myself…”I’m going to be lucky if I make this one.”

So, at age 70 what are my goals for golf? To putt as well as I can. It’s that simple.

Improving approach shots or wedge shots goes hand and hand with improving your putting result.

I’ve practiced my mechanics and developed a significant practice routine year round.

Over the last year or so, I’ve improved my strokes gained putting. I’ve become more confident that my mechanics are pretty good.

My new goal is a continued focus on being positive about making a good stroke and the belief that I can make putts.

Do I miss putts? Yes. Everyone misses putts.

Every putt is just one more putt. Each one is not more or less important than the other.

If I miss after a great attempt, I consider it a good putt.

Old Duffer Golf image of a man putting
Putting Out of Your Mind
by Dr. Bob Rotella

The Result

It’s pretty simple. I’m making more putts and coming closer on my misses.

I’m leaving fewer putts short.

Breaking putts are not as concerning.

Most long distance putts turn into two putts and I’m making some.

I’ve cut way back on my number of 3 putts over 18 holes.

I’m not suggesting that mechanics are more important or the mental game is more important.

Developing confidence through practice and a positive attitude is how you lower your scores.