Eyeline putting mirrors come in various sizes and configurations. I prefer the larger putting mirror with the additional shoulder alignment mirror. The smaller version of this with a shoulder alignment mirror fits in my golf bag for pre-round practice. Let’s take a look.

Note: Sharp corner on Shoulder Mirror not protected
I have a couple reasons for wanting to write this.
One is I like both the larger mirrors and smaller mirrors and recommend them.
However, the packaging of the small mirror is less than ideal. The first one I received was chipped even though they are made of an acrylic material.
Did I keep the mirror with a small chip? Yes, but I did let the company know I was disappointed.
I ordered both the large version and small version directly from Eyeline.
The larger combo mirror and shoulder mirror each have their own case.
The smaller putting mirror has it’s own case, but the small shoulder mirror doesn’t.
Recently, I order a second small putting mirror and shoulder mirror from Amazon. It had the same packaging as the first purchase from Eyeline.
My opinion is that even if these are harder to break, they should come in or with a padded case.
The mirrors do come with a case, but I use quarter inch foam rubber to protect the mirrors.

Both mirrors fit in one case with padding between them.

The putting mirror has a case. The shoulder mirror doesn’t
I put 2 pieces of foam rubber in the case – mirrors in between
How do I use them?
Here is a link to my article on the larger version of the Eyeline Putting Mirror and Shoulder Mirror combo.
It’s too big to carry in my golf bag. I really like to use it for practice on the putting green.
You can really see your eyeline and shoulder alignment easily.
Having said that the smaller version fits in my golf bag.
I used it all last year and thankfully there was no damage.
Like I said, I did add pieces of one quarter inch thick foam rubber to the cases for both sizes.
The new smaller version is for indoor use on my PuttOUT AirBreak.
Additional Photos
Note the rounded corners on the large shoulder mirror.

The small shoulder mirror has sharper or pointed corners at each end.

This is the chip on the first small shoulder mirror I ordered. It needs better packaging. The ends are very pointed on the small shoulder mirror. It still works fine.

The packaging is still the same. My new one isn’t damaged.