Finding a Coach

Finding a coach can truly be a challenge. Not because there aren’t a ton of good coaches, but because not all coaches or pros give you the instruction that you need.

Find a good coach or PGA Professional. If things aren’t working out, look for another one.

Over the last few years, I’ve sought out 4 different PGA Professionals or golf coaches.

The first one had me hooking the ball 30 yards. The second one gave me instructions that actually caused injury over time. The third one did help some, but was way too technical.

The fourth one appears to have gotten me straightened out.

How? Being less technical. The keys were making sure I’m square at setup, and maintaining my timing and tempo.

Old Duffer Golf image of golf balls and finding a coach

Keeping it simple

The changes I recently made were simple. Stay square. Put a couple of tees down along your aim line. Swing down your aim line and don’t get quick. I started striking the ball more solidly and the ball flight was much straighter.

In the process of finding a coach, I found one that was very similar to the golf coach I had in high school.

Yup. We swung to the Blue Danube waltz. 1-2-3….1-2-3, etc. We would do that for a month during the winter before he let us hit balls into a net.

What not to do?

In the process of finding a coach, I was somewhat disappointed and turned to the online sources for golf advice.

Take for instance YouTube golf coaches. They release helpful videos, but ultimately make money doing so.

The more views and followers they get, they stand the chance of making more money.

So you get videos titled: “10 things you never want to do!!!” or “Here are the 9 positions in the golf swing.”


These may be entertaining, but not great if you are looking for personal advice. That… requires in person instruction.

In fact, I’ve already heard a YouTuber PGA pro saying his best advice was to go see a coach or pro in person and quit watching videos.

Otherwise, video training is pretty much self diagnosis.

For the novice golfer

I learned the hard way. By myself or from a friend who was getting lessons. The result was pretty fair, but there was much of the game I didn’t learn properly and my game suffered.

I suspect a lot of people learn that way, From a relative or friend.

Try finding a coach… it’s the way to go.


If you are in a rural area like I am, finding a coach can be a challenge. My local golf club offered a suggestion on a swing coach. I would check locally for putting instruction as well.

I have not looked for a putting coach around my location. Most training facilities are an hour away.

Putting is the one exception I have for YouTube videos. I straightened out my putting on my own.

Here are some links to professionals who train pro golfers and others:

Brad Faxon – PGA Pro – this is a link to his official site, but he is also featured as one of the best putters on other sites. He also works with Blast Motion Golf.

Another PGA Pro to look up is Steve Stricker for putting videos.

Phil Kenyon – Putting Coach

David Orr and Mike Shannon are two others that do not have sites of their on. You may want to look them up on YouTube for videos.