Linear vs Non-Linear putting involves two very different types of green reading techniques. There is no right way or wrong way. Top professionals use both methods.
Linear putting has been described as a “left brained” or a more technical style of aiming putts. Basically spot or line putting.
Non-Linear putting is more of a “right brained” artistic or vision based style of putting.
Many people feel obligated to aim with a linear style when that’s just not what they are comfortable with.
So let’s look at Linear vs Non-Linear putting.
Linear putting
This is the more technical approach. I call it line putting.

The player would read the break on a putt. Let’s say six inches from Right to Left.
The next step would be picking a “spot” six inches right of the hole to aim at.
I do this and draw a straight line back to my ball visually.
Most of the time I use the line on the ball as well. Especially, on long putts.
So, I see a straight line from the ball to my aim point along an aim line. The aim line is adjacent to the ideal break.
One additional step is to use an intermediate aim point closer to the ball.
For me, it is reassuring and a confidence builder to use lines. Once I line my putter up I focus on the stroke.
Here is a link to our article on “Where to direct your attention.”
Non-Linear putting
This is the more vision based or artistic approach.

Some people do not feel comfortable looking at lines on the putter, lines on the ball and aiming at a spot. They find it distracting.
They may even remove the line on the putter or replace it with a dot.
Non-Linear putters are more likely to see the break as a curve or series of curves with the ball entering the hole at a certain point.
Using our example above, for a six inch break a Non-Linear putter would see the putt going in the hole at 5 o’clock.
They see the hole in terms of a clock face. Say from 3 o’clock on the right around to 9 o’clock on the left.
Six o’clock would be a straight putt.
Just a clarification. Non-Linear putters still use an aim point, but focus on the entry point.
Note: This is not apex putting. See the last video below.
Here is an interesting article from “Golf State of Mind” which includes a significant statement from putting coach and instructor Mike Shannon on linear vs non-linear putting. Shannon is an instructor at TPC Sawgrass.
Putting tip: Green reading. Are you linear or non-linear?