Target Holes – DIY

Old Duffer Golf image of target holes

Last year I made some target holes hoping to use them with putting lasers. They did not work out for that because I put them in reflexive acrylic cases. They are 5 x 7 inches and work perfectly for long range lag putting targets. Let’s take a look.

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String Lines – DIY

There are really cheap ways to make string lines. I have made elevated and other string lines to measure specific distances for drills. Let’s take a look.

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Putting: Laser Alignment

Over the last couple years I’ve accumulated several laser alignment tools. Some are simple and inexpensive and others are more expensive and work better. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

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Putting: Two Hour Practice

Putting practice is essential and is the easiest way for most people to lower their score. A two hour practice session is what I consider reasonable for average players. Let’s take a look at my setup.

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Divot Tool Review

Divot repair tools or ball mark tools can be simple or fancy. Let’s look at four options at different prices and in various weight ranges.

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Slopegraide and Roll Maps

Slopegraide and Roll Maps can be your personal putting trainer. I see these products as the future of putting and green reading practice. Take your game to the next level.

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Putting: Backstroke Length

Knowing how far back to take the putter or your backstroke length is critical for distance control. For years, I pretty much approximated my backstroke. I’ve found an easy way to measure it now and it works great.

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Shot Scope X5

The Shot Scope X5 is a premium GPS golf watch with automatic performance tracking. Take your game to the next level.

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Odyssey Tri Hot 5k Putter

Changing putters is not my thing. I’ve only had a few. I just purchased an Odyssey Tri Hot 5k Double Wide putter. Did it make a difference? WOW… I’d say!!!

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PuttOUT Devil Ball

The PuttOUT Devil Ball is a golf ball like training aid focused solely on face angle at impact. Improve your face angle and make more putts.

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Shot Scope Pro L2 Rangefinder

The Shot Scope Pro L2 rangefinder is lightweight and accurate. It has a slope option that can be turned on and off. The price is right and it’s worth a look.

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Putting Practice: Random vs Block

Should putting practice be random practice or block practice. It really is about building confidence and both are important. Let’s take a closer look.

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Putting: Two Tee Drill

The Two Tee Drill will help you with your putting setup and a consistent path. Pro players are great at putting because they do the same things every time they putt. Perfect your setup and mechanics to hole more putts.

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Putting Tune Up

This article is a list of Spring putting tune up drills, but it certainly could be used as a regular routine year round.

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Putting: Stimpmeter – DIY

One of the most significant aspects of a golf course is the uniformity of its putting greens. The Stimpmeter is a simple, accurate device to measureĀ green speed.

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