Putting Basics

Putting basics include the grip, the correct putting setup and consistent putting motion. They are essential techniques for someone who is struggling or just starting out. Practicing the basics never hurts regardless of skill level.

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Putting: Distance Control

Consistent distance control in putting is a key to lower scores. Great tempo and rhythm give you a repeatable stroke. Gauging your backstroke length gives you a benchmark for putts of a given distance.

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Putting: Intermediate Aim Point

I’ve been using an intermediate aim point for my full swing since I began golfing. In putting, I do the same thing. The intermediate target is something much closer the ball and helps improve your accuracy.

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Drain More Putts

Lowering your score means you need to drain more putts. Become a better putter. Learn how to be a boss when it comes to putts from 6 feet and closer.

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Tour Edge Chipper

I bought a Tour Edge Chipper just to see if it would make a difference in my short game. I tried it out today. The bottom line is that my chips shots were online and grouped close enough to one putt. I’ m thinking about putting it in the bag.

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Chipping Practice and Targets

Chipping practice aids are handy for judging the distance you chip or how far the ball rolls out following a chip. I’ve put together some target options for chipping on the practice green or in the house that work for me.

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Golf Scoring Strategy

Your golf scoring strategy should start during your setup on the tee. Plan all your shots as they come up, play with confidence and give yourself the chance at great scores.

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Lag putting and practice

Lag putting is an important skill that many average golfers do not practice. It’s the most common reason for 3 putts. Let’s take a look at why tempo and rhythm are such an important part of of lag putts and all putts.

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Softspikes lesson learned

Softspikes Pulsar Fast Twist spikes were the original spikes in my Footjoy Superlites. The Footjoy shoes are the best pair I’ve ever had. I wanted to order the Pulsar replacement spikes also. The lesson? Softspikes Fast Twist 3.0 and Fast Twist are not the same. Of course I ordered the wrong ones.

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Alignment options for practice

Alignment options for golf practice vary from simple and inexpensive to pricey and overrated. Let’s take a look at a few I’ve used over the years.

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Alignment Stick Connectors

Alignment stick connectors are something I’ve wanted for a long time. Recently, I purchased 2 alignment stick connectors from The Elixir Golf.

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Follow through – Hold your finish

As you follow through on putts, hold the finish position. Why? Your brain needs to learn the proper body position in conjunction with the correct pace and rhythm for you to become a better putter.

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Downhill Putts “Knee Knockers”

Downhill putts can be nerve racking. They don’t have to be. Let’s talk about a couple of simple thoughts and actions that make them easier to deal with.

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Putts from off the Green

Putts from off the green can be in different forms depending upon your lie. Use your putter when you can, but putting with irons or hybrids may come in handy as well.

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Tour Read App Review

The “Tour Read” app is the real deal when it comes to digital green reading. I don’t say that lightly. I have devices that measure slope, but this “app” gives you the actual break and pace for putts.

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