Setting up Drills

There are all kinds of putting drills. Here are some standard drills and what to use to set them up. These setup accessories can be used for all the putting drills we have on this site.

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Finding a Coach

Finding a coach can truly be a challenge. Not because there aren’t a ton of good coaches, but because not all coaches or pros give you the instruction that you need.

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Putting well at any age

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Anyone can achieve great putting even into their later years. In fact, I didn’t become a good putter until I retired.

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Putting: Make a Plan

Make a plan right from the tee box. Then reevaluate your plan once you get on the green. I’ve included an example from a recent round featuring our championship greens. In the article I show why it’s important to “make a plan.”

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Air Swings – Blast Motion

Air Swings are something new with the latest update from Blast Motion Golf. The new feature allows you to practice swings and record data without hitting a golf ball.

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Printable Drills

Drills are a popular page on this site. I made up two printable drills Portable Document Files or PDFs. The idea is to have a mix of drills. There are putting and short game drills which include score keeping.

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Practice Balls

I’ve used practice balls since I started to play golf many years ago. Back when I started, we used whiffle balls in the yard. Recently, I purchased Callaway HX Soft-Flight Colored Foam Practice Golf Balls. A lime green 18 pack.

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Bags for Accessories

Old Duffer Golf image of a Titleist Bag

The golf related accessory bags I take to the course or practice green have been down sized. It’s a great idea to weed out what you are not going to use for the day and carry what you need.

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Getting new Grips

It was time for new golf grips. There is a wide variety out there. Today’s article is on which ones I chose and why.

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Practice Etiquette

Etiquette on the practice range or practice green has a direct impact on their quality of use. No one is perfect, but taking care of the practice area makes it better for everyone.

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Compact Putting Mirror

The PuttOUT compact putting mirror works great on your home mat or on the practice green. It comes with a handy travel case and fits in your golf bag nicely.

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Putting Triggers

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Putting triggers are a motion that that you use to start your putt. It’s an effort to stay relaxed and not be tight or mechanical over the ball.

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PuttOUT: Tournament Inspired

This version is the same as the PuttOut Academy Putting Studio only it’s color design is inspired by the first major tournament of the year. It’s first rate.

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Training Aids: Magic! Oh Really?

Use training aids to improve your game. Improve enough that you can leave them at home and repeat the good things you have learned at the course. That’s the magic.

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Slope and Effective Stimp

How does the degree or percent of slope figure into the effective stimp of a putt? It’s a significant factor. Let’s take a look at ways to measure it.

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