I’ve used practice balls since I started to play golf many years ago. Back when I started, we used whiffle balls in the yard. Recently, I purchased Callaway HX Soft-Flight Colored Foam Practice Golf Balls. A lime green 18 pack.
I consider these a great value and would buy them again. ★★★★★

Earlier, I had purchased a chipping station with a net for the basement. It came with a set of foam balls also. Those don’t fly very far at all which is a good thing in the house. You could really chip them in the living room.
Using a real light weight ball like that is mostly about tuning up your swing and less about ball flight.
The good news is that the chipping aid came with turf that gives you three different lengths of grass to hit from. I still use that all the time.
My Callaway Experience
I’m very happy with the Callaway foam practice balls. They perform well and give you a pretty realistic golf shot. The carry bag is included.
I was wondering how far they would fly. My only experience was with whiffle balls and the really limited flight balls mentioned above.
My first shot was with a 7 iron. It went about 25 yards. So, for me it’s possible to hit these into traffic or across the road. That’s a good thing to know, Practicing in a park might not be a bad idea.
I believe the farthest I could hit one would be 40 or 50 yards with a driver.
I seriously doubt they would cause any damage to your property should you shank one or bounce one off the siding.
I’ve limited myself to hitting wedge shots at home. A full wedge shot for me goes about 70 feet with the practice balls. They just make it to my garage side lawn if I hit them off a practice mat from the front of my driveway. I can hit half shots back and forth across the driveway with no chance of hitting anything.
Again, I’m really happy with these. I don’t always have time to make it to the course or range.