I like to do reviews on major items, but then there are those all important putting accessories.
Those are the little things, putting accessories or the items not always thought of. Here is just some of the things I use. I will add more on this page as time goes on.
Lined Golf Balls
Years ago, I used the brand name on the golf ball to line up a putt. Then, I switched to adding a single line around the ball.
More recently, I purchased a kit with 3 templates and 3 Sharpies. The reason I bought it was because it came with Sharpies. Not all kits do.

I’m not crazy about playing with a line on the ball. When I play, I use the line already on the ball. My thoughts are that when I’m not on the green the line or lines can be annoying.
However when I’m practicing, “face angle at impact” for example, I used triple lined golf balls.
When I’m practicing quiet eye, I use golf balls with a T-square and a dot on them. I square my putter up to the T-square and focus on the dot as I putt. See the examples below.
(Note: The green Crown Royal bag is for my practice golf balls and the Purple one (not shown) is for my gamers. I also have a gamer with 3 lines on it for the practice green before a round. Just to get dialed in. You can use the line on the ball from the tee as an aiming aid. I don’t drink Crown Royal…you can get the bags online.)
Here is a link to my page where lined golf ball drills are discussed.
Ball Markers and Divot Repair tools
These are putting accessories I use all the time. When setting up putting drills, I like to make 6 foot diameter circles with the ball markers and then put a red divot repair tool and various length putts. I put a 6 foot diameter circle at each end so I can putt in both directions.
Here is a link to my page where putting drills are discussed.

I usually put down a target hole in the middle of the circle.
Target Holes
These go along with any of the drills I set up for the most part. Unless the putting green isn’t very busy. I still like using target holes and locating them where there hasn’t been a lot of traffic on the green.
(Note: The center target hole has a clock outline. 0 or Zero is the fall line on the green. I have a 360 degree protractor that I used to layout the clock face on the one target hole. Use 8 golf balls max on 3 foot drills and 10 or 12 on 6 foot drills. I have a piece of string with 3 feet and 6 feet marked on it. Put a tee into the center of the target hole. I just hook the string over it. Then, Put down ball markers around the clock at 3 and 6 feet. I usually start with 3 footers and remove the ball markers when done.)

Then fill in as appropriate.

Measuring Tapes
I thought I’d was OK buying 9 foot tapes. They had a deal on Craftsman measuring tapes. Then, I got to the practice green and thought about longer putts. I bought a 50 footer a long time ago. Now that’s in the practice bag. The longest that I practice is 60 feet. Really, my old stride is exactly 2 feet now. So, 5 paces are 10 feet. I like being right on. I usually measure.

DIY Target Holes
Last year I made some target holes hoping to use them with putting lasers. They did not work out for that because I put them in reflexive acrylic cases. They are 5 x 7 inches and work perfectly for long range lag putting targets. Let’s take a look.

DIY – String Lines

Here is a link to our article on how to make them.
There are really cheap ways to make string lines. I have made elevated and other string lines to measure specific distances for drills. Let’s take a look.
For more info on usage, see our drill setup page. Click here
Divot Tools
Divot repair tools or ball mark tools can be simple or fancy. Let’s look at four options at different prices and in various weight ranges.
For years I used a golf tee to fix ball marks on the green. I’ve since bought them now and then at different golf courses. I’ve ended up with a simple plastic one.
Recently, I purchased a couple more expensive ones just to see what the buzz was about.

Putting: Impact Tape Review
Putting impact tape gives you a way to measure your sweet spot impact pattern and improve over time. It will help you improve your distance control and improve your accuracy. Improve your skill and shoot better scores.

My New Accessories for 2023
I spend the winter months planning for Spring golf and practicing indoors. It’s a good time to go through stuff and regroup. I also added several new items. Let’s look at the new golf and putting accessories.

Strackaline Green & Yardage Book
Are you looking for the best Green &Yardage book at the best price? Strackaline products are for you. I recently purchased a combo green & yardage book for my course and they are first rate.