Tour Aim 2.0 is the only training aid on the market that can help you improve every aspect of your golf game. That’s how it is advertised. I think it’s handy. Let’s take a look.

For whatever reason, I find alignment rods or new alignment systems interesting.
You can get 20 driveway markers for around $20 online. I’ve got those also.
Why buy something more expensive?
New things may have multiple functions and make setup a breeze.
That’s the case with Tour Aim 2.0.
I like it because setup is easy, accurate and gives you multiple options for meaningful practice.
This is from Tour Aim:
Train your eyes and brain to see down the true target line.
- Eliminate mindless ball beating, practice with a purpose.
- Make practice more effective and efficient.
- Perfect aim and alignment on every swing.
- Develop disciplined range habits.

What do you get?
You get the tour aim device and 4 alignment sticks. Yes, the headcover is extra.
What I call it is a fixture that holds the alignment rods very accurately.
The swing plane or shaft plane function works with a number of different clubs.
You stick an alignment rod in one of the 5 holes in the top of the Tour Aim and practice your take away or backswing.
For safety, you may want to stick a pool noodle over that alignment rod.
The five holes are marked, driver, fairway wood, 5 iron, 8 iron, and wedge.
The mouse hole is for putting. I’m probably not going to use it for putting.
Here is a great video on many different options.

The Bottom Line
For me, it’s the right golf tool…for chipping, pitching and full swing.
Am I going to use this for putting? Probably not.
I have lots of other useful items…like putting gates that work fine.
I do like that you can store this whole system easily. The sticks are not bad with the head cover on and the body of the Tour Aim 2.0 is lightweight and small making it store well.
If you like alignment devices like I do…then this is for you. If not, I would stick with driveway markers.
Driveway markers are a lot cheaper.