Drills are a popular page on this site. I made up two printable drills Portable Document Files or PDFs. The idea is to have a mix of drills. There are putting and short game drills which include score keeping.

As I’ve written in a previous article, I have a one inch 3 ring binder that I keep several things in for practice.
I have two green maps for our two putting greens, green drills, short game drills, a spiral notebook and a mechanical pencil. I keep score, mark down club distances and write down things to work on.
It’s not a bad idea to work on putting and some short game drills in one session.
The main reason I made these up is to keep track of what I’m doing right and wrong. It’s also a good idea to practice different skills and test yourself.
Printable Drills
Putting (Revised 5/29/2022)
This is a collection of well known drills with scoring for each drill by day.
These are a collection of both putting and short game drills. Short game being pitching, chipping and sand trap drills. These include scoring for each drill as well.
I would suggest trying a couple putting drills at a time.
Some can take a pretty long time. One of them takes me two hours just for that one drill. Others don’t take long at all.
There are two drills per page. My point is print them off and rearrange them in a manner that makes sense to you.
Some of them can be done indoors. For example, I don’t take a laser aiming device to the golf course attached to my putter. I have that setup in my home.
The second file on putting and short game also takes a long time to complete and you may want to spend more than one practice on it. I have a tendency use parts of that one. Otherwise, it may be something you want to try and complete monthly.